Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered.
The price of gas has not recovered as quickly as that of oil in recent months, in part thanks to the success of firms like XTO in producing more of the stuff.
"Global oil demand has recovered its pre-recession peak," Mr Osborne says.
BP, the oil company which was paying for the Deepwater Horizon's work and was due to operate Macondo, says it has recovered over 800,000 barrels of oil this way so far.
BP, the oil company which was paying for the Deepwater Horizon's work and was due to operate Macondo, says it has recovered over 800, 000 barrels of oil this way so far.
The bird was recovered in the area where a giant oil slick spread after the collapse of the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig.
North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered.
Besides, many technological improvements seem to have simply speeded up the extraction of oil, rather than increasing the share of each reservoir that can be recovered.
One type alone may hold double the carbon of all of the terrestrial fossil fuel, such as coal, oil and natural gas, including stores that could never be recovered.
Its economy recovered quickly, helped by higher prices for oil, one of its main exports.
Rates recovered strongly in June, according to ICAP, partly because large vessels were in demand for storage, as oil companies waited for crude prices to strengthen.
More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale.
Light oil and the residued cyclohexylamine were recovered through the vapour distillation.
Any recovered PAG oil will have a luminescent glow to it but, if you are unsure, put some in!
The benzole is then recovered from the oil by steam distillation and stored prior to dispatch off site for sale.
Crude petroleum (oil) and other hydrocarbons produced at the wellhead in liquid form; includes distillates or condensate recovered or extracted from natural gas.
The test results show that it is feasible in the process. The quality of gas oil after purification and recovered naphthenic.
Residual and waste oil must be recovered and may not be discharged into the sea.
The liquid hydrocarbon recovered from casing head gas by adsorption, compression, or refrigeration. Casing head gas is the gas recovered at the surface from an oil well.
With the raw material of spent bleaching clay of castor oil refining, castor oil was recovered by 6# solvent extraction with special equipment designed and manufactured by oneself.
For a pool had been recharged, whose history of oil charging can be recovered by the chemical composition analysis, combined with others analytical method.
Method Heavy oil is recovered by small direct-fired steam-gas generator through injecting mixed gas.
A world oil crisis hit airline travel hard, and his business never recovered.
A world oil crisis hit airline travel hard, and his business never recovered.