The volatility of other commodity markets, such as oil and food, lends another element to this debate.
True, Apple’s relative success is partly due to a dip in the oil price, which has pummeled Exxon’s shares, and to the volatility that swept through stockmarkets this week.
In fact, huge, integrated oil companies can adjust to the volatility in the market.
But now the impact on exports of higher oil prices, coupled with a sharp rise in the yen since last summer-a consequence largely of financial-market volatility-throws that profitability into question.
Its profit margin was subjected to the volatility of international crude oil market.
Everything from Oil to Silver: Are Speculators Causing Too Much Volatility?
In particular, the engine with turbocharger, it is necessary to use a lower volatility of high quality engine oil, because oil is also an important factor in causing the engine to burn oil.
These days? Nah, that's just the ho-hum daily volatility in the oil market.
Natural plants oil has higher viscosity index, no poison, excellent bio-degrade ability, low volatility, better lubricity, and most important, it is a renewable resource.
The volatilizing punching oil developed with isoalkane possesses excellent volatility, lubricity and anti-corrosion ability, which can apply to metalworking of aluminum fin-stock and copper tube.
In the volatility test, hot weightless of the complex was smaller than that of the mixture, indicating that inclusion complex was able to lower volatilization of garlic oil.
Members noted that, while the likelihood of a sharp rise in US interest rates appeared to have lessened, high oil prices had continued to contribute to volatility in financial markets.
Synthetic engine oil has excellent high and low temperature property, antioxidation property and volatility property.
While this removes the immediate risk of an oil price shock, the wild gyrations in the oil price this week suggest that commodity price volatility is here to stay.
The extremely low volatility provides the good oil gas separation property.
Because of the higher viscosity and the worse volatility, the diesel engine can hardly perform normally using neat vegetable oil.
The hydrocarbon oil composition is improved in safety such as volatility, inflammability, odor and skin irritation as well as working environment, and performs many functions.
This paper studies on the different impact of oil and coal prices volatility on Macro-economy based on the VAR model.
The volatility and valve train wear are the two difficulties encounted inthe formulation of low viscosity multigrade engine oil.
It says mainly the volatility of oil prices on the impact of major economic indicators, the impact of the oil industry chain and other related industries.
It says mainly the volatility of oil prices on the impact of major economic indicators, the impact of the oil industry chain and other related industries.