As a general rule vegetable oils are better for you than animal fats.
Saturated fats are fats that are found principally in meat and dairy products, although some nuts and vegetable oils also contain them.
Healthy diet includes foods rich in whole grains and fiber, foods with good fats from nuts, vegetable oils and fish, little sugar, and less red meat.
Vegetable fibres are mixed with resins to produce the car parts and the oils in the chocolate are refined to produce fuel.
Vegetarians might need to consider getting some of their Omega 3 from vegetable oils, but they would need to eat large amounts.
Over the past decade the price of vegetable oils has all but quadrupled. Like other commodities, prices hit records in 2008.
At the moment, the facilities co-feed vegetable oils and animal fats with petroleum oil directly into their refinery.
I recommend setting the animal products aside and keeping vegetable oils to a minimum for just three weeks or so.
The process of hydrogenation, which turns liquid vegetable oil into the solid oils used in commercial baking, destroys the vitamin K naturally found in the oils.
Hard fats such as lard, margarine and butter are not good as they are high in saturated fats, as are many blended vegetable oils which contain coconut or palm oil.
Butter, bacon, beef, whole milk, virtually any food of animal origin is high in saturated fat; so are two vegetable oils: coconut and palm.
The burning point of virtually all vegetable oils is much lower than saturated fats, which makes these plant fats good for cold use only.
The rise in cancer in the West has paralleled the rise in factory farming and the use of processed foods containing vegetable oils and additives.
Choose moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - found in fish, nuts and certain vegetable oils - instead.
选择含有适量单一不饱和脂肪和多聚不饱和脂肪的食物- - -如鱼肉、坚果以及一些蔬菜油——来取代。
You’re better off eating fries cooked in beef tallow or duck fat than fries cooked in vegetable oils.
Processed vegetable oils and transfats are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids.
To keep your cardiovascular system young, consume unsaturated and non-hydrogenated (trans) vegetable oils, such as olive oil (monounsaturated), walnut oil (polyunsaturated) and flax seeds.
Vitamin E, for example, which is found in vegetable oils, nuts and green leafy vegetables, has been linked (in mice) with the retention of memory into old age, and also with longer life.
Is animal fat any different than vegetable fat (like oils or avocado)?
The popularity of omega-6-rich foods based on cheap vegetable oils will be difficult to reverse.
Low intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon and vegetable oils, may be associated with a greater risk of depression.
Only eat natural fats, not transfats or processed vegetable oils (cook food in butter or coconut oil)
Beans are high in protein, vegetable are high in vitamin, fats and oils are high in fat; they all have their own strengths too.
Good sources include vegetable oils, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
Polyunsaturated fats, which are typically of vegetable origin, have the opposite effect; thus corn, safflower, soybean and sesame oils tend to lower the level of potentially dangerous LDL.
The diesel-extraction method for coffee grounds is similar to that used for other vegetable oils.
The diesel-extraction method for coffee grounds is similar to that used for other vegetable oils.