If you are going to start an exercise program, you should have the OK from your doctor first to make sure that you don't have any potential heart or other health issues.
Ok. I know. It looks boring. But it's a structure of the things I want to think about when I go through trying to take a problem and mapping it into a iterative program.
An advertised program has finished running and requires that you log off. To log off now, click OK.
If developers report to the program manager, at some point during the debate the program manager is going to get sick of the whole thing and just say, "OK, enough talking, now we do it my way."
OK, our today's program has to end here.
Click to clear the Start the following program at logon check box, and then click OK.
Think about those sadly too frequent cancel boxes: you've asked a program to cancel something, and it then gives you a dialogue box with buttons labelled: 'OK' and 'cancel'.
想想那些不幸的过于频繁的取消方块:您问的程序,取消什么,然后给你一个对话方块与按钮标签:'ok '和'取消'。
Although most baleful file is OK, divide through turning over baleful program to move, but the leftover file that certain remains is affected returns meeting reservation to be in the system.
If the file was loaded OK, the program then dumps all known service details to stdout.
Then you can use your colour pens to filling the blanks with what you think. ok? After you finish the blank, each group will show us a program about your answer. Are you clear?
Then you can use your colour pens to filling the blanks with what you think. ok? After you finish the blank, each group will show us a program about your answer. Are you clear?