The charity is run on a purely voluntary basis.
She works there on a voluntary basis.
We run the meals-on-wheels service on a voluntary basis.
And those with the title of "National Model worker" or certificates of "senior workers" or "senior technician" are expected to get Beijing's Hukou on a voluntary basis.
Most buyers are organisations that are offsetting emissions on a purely voluntary basis.
In 2005, more than a million people returned to their own country on a voluntary basis.
World blood Donor Day (WBDD) is an annual global celebration of the millions of people throughout the world who give their blood on a voluntary, unpaid basis to save the lives of those in need.
The State shall support labourers to get jobs by organizing themselves on a voluntary basis or by engaging in individual businesses.
More than 2,000 have been issued in Baghdad on a voluntary basis in the past month, after a television-advertising campaign.
The librarians in our town's school system have reported that the number of trips that our students make to their school library on a voluntary basis has decreased significantly in recent years.
The State encourages and supports farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to raise agricultural funds in various forms on a voluntary basis and in accordance with law.
Transferability — Property rights can be exchanged among owners on a voluntary basis.
Medical liability insurance system in China is still in its initial stage, the general liability insurance is on a voluntary basis, but its running is below expectations.
Citizens are encouraged to participate in the work of community convalescent institutions on a voluntary basis, rendering assistance to mental patients 'treatment, convalescence and return to society.
We all work together on a voluntary basis, as the feeling is that if the motivation to come along is to help others and not to earn money, then the ACTS are much purer.
Individuals 'foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with Banks on a voluntary basis withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors 'identity ensured.
Individuals' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with Banks on a voluntary basis, withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors' identity ensured.
A people's mediation committee shall mediate in accordance with the provisions of law and on the basis of the principle of voluntary participation.
It was organized on a voluntary basis.
Morality in essence is a kind of individual voluntary behavior based on values choice, with understanding as the basis of moral conducts, self-respect as the starting point of morality growth.
Conciliation is only conducted on a voluntary basis with both disputing parties agreeing to it.
In addition to the old-age insurance fee required to be paid by enterprises and individuals in a certain proportion, an extra amount is allowed to add to their accounts on a voluntary basis.
The fire guard, like the roof-watchers, was at first recruited on a voluntary basis.
The organization is run on a voluntary basis.
Enterprises make applications on a voluntary basis. Certification bodies assess feeds, feed additives and their production process in accordance with relevant standards and technical rules.
Enterprises make applications on a voluntary basis. Certification bodies assess feeds, feed additives and their production process in accordance with relevant standards and technical rules.