So the author recommends that an on-off control for torque converter...
So the author recommends that an on-off control for torque converter should be u...
This electrical flow through the control solenoid on-off control of the mechanical movement.
Practice shows that this on-off control mode is a flexible control method and has high control accuracy.
They include plain text, on-off control, single item selection, date picker, time picker, name, and URL fields.
The damper will have the best effect in minimizing the vibration within the specified range at all working speed by using on-off control method.
Simplicity of design and control-machines are easily designed using standard cylinders and other components, and operate via simple on-off control.
The mechanical driving is composed of three major parts of a winding up structure, an energy storing device structure and a braking on-off control structure.
This product can replace other composite contactor switches and capacitors, and its excellent performance will become the future of on-off control of the mainstream products.
A new slide mode controller is designed for AC servo system. The feed forward signal is used as average control, and fuzzy inference is used to regulate the magnitude of on-off control.
The system functions of ignition on-off control, multi-way power supply on-off control, interface parameters measurement, system self-check, system calibration, replay analysis are realized.
Using the application on baking paint stove, it appears that smith prediction on-off controller can reduce the oscillation value of on-off control system and improve the accuracy effectively.
Instruments based on the lower limit of two switch-contact device, the pressure to set a signal or when the value of on-off control circuit for the operating system's automatic control or the use.
Then Houston, the control centre on the earth, called up and told me to use the tape to tape the bottom of the handrail and pull it off the telescope.
Because in some of the events, once the stopwatch ticks off, the competition must go on without any human guidance or control.
Here's the reality. On a physiological level, your breakfast choices - or lack of them - can set off a cycle of cravings and blood sugar spikes that spells doom for weight control.
The frames have three settings - automatic, manual on and manual off - allowing the wearer to remain fully in control.
This is the result of both poor process control late in the lifecycle, as well as taking the collective eye off the initial vision and rather concentrating only on the needs of the current iteration.
From within the app, however, you can't control where your images go, though you can turn Posterous' auto-post function on or off from within the app when you start a new album.
Expert mode: Gives expert users complete control off the processes running on the Community Edition server.
When the Wyoming rockets went off-line on Oct. 23, the remote underground launch centers that control them lost their ability to detect and cancel any unauthorized launch attempts.
Marxio Timer allows you to control several aspects of your PC. It lets you do anything from turning off your computer to displaying certain text you'd like to remember later on.
The new series also includes a piston design that makes digressive forces for added pitch and roll control. This helps with performance over rough terrains and on off-road surfaces.
Hyperinflation is when inflation feeds on itself and takes off beyond control.
Many genes control when protein-coding genes are turned on and off at different places and times in the body, adding a whole new layer of complexity to the genome.
The games industry has an advantage because companies control their own online services and do not have to rely on Internet service providers to cut off pirates.
A slider on the side of the screen lets you control the depth of the 3d effect, and even turn it off altogether, which reduces the image to high-resolution 2d.
While a robot partner would never be my equal in a relationship — it can't be, as long as I control the on-off switch — it could still challenge me intellectually.
The work also suggests that going on or off the birth control pill might influence a woman's choice in men.
The work also suggests that going on or off the birth control pill might influence a woman's choice in men.