For the last year, I've been on a vegetarian diet.
While there’s no data on vegan diets, one study found that vegetarian diets used 2.9 times less water and 2.5 times less energy in food production than a diet containing meat and poultry.
What if we decided on a vegetarian, rather than vegan diet? After all, milk and eggs are very efficient ways of producing animal calories, second only to factory-reared broiler chickens.
The vegetarian message just got a big boost — big Dog Bill Clinton read books by Esselstyn and Ornish, and went on an almost completely plant-based diet.
Yet a cloud of controversy hangs over the issue of whether a dog can live healthfully on a vegetarian (meatless) or vegan (animal product-free) diet.
Hence, if most of the world opted for a vegetarian diet, it would be significantly less taxing on our environment.
A popular book on this subject said that people with type a blood should follow a vegetarian diet but that people with type o blood should not.
Studies on world food security estimate that an affluent diet containing meat requires up to 3 times as many resources as a vegetarian diet9.
the longer a dog remains on a vegetarian or vegan diet, the greater the likelihood of overall good to excellent health;
Interestingly, there have been a few "vegetarian Atkins diet" studies published recently, which is a little like putting lipstick on a pork rind...
A diet that relies heavily on meat production results in higher emissions than a typical vegetarian diet, says Lord Stern.
Albert Einstein was right, after all, when he said: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
I intend to choose a vegetarian diet from now on eating only what is agreed upon amongst all kingdoms.
If you are considering becoming a vegetarian, seek advice on a proper vegetarian diet for you.
I'm on a diet. So I have to avoid food containing too much fat. Do you have vegetarian dishes?
The power point presentation on the positive effects a vegetarian diet has on the earth gives participants a better understanding of the importance of a greener lifestyle.
The global food crisis has put a new focus on the debate over the benefits of a vegetarian diet.
The global food crisis has put a new focus on the debate over the benefits of a vegetarian diet.