I'm now writing on behalf of the classmates to invite you to come and attend our farewell party on Saturday.
From the browser's perspective, the information appears to come from the same domain, but in reality, the content request is made by the proxy on behalf of the client.
Instead of having to come up with a world-beating language and API on its own, Apple's got the entire industry working towards a solution on its behalf.
In this exciting historical moment, I, on behalf of the 29th Olympic Games Organizing Committee to come from the world's countries and regions of the athletes, coaches and guests a warm welcome!
On behalf of the General Manager, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank you all for taking time off your busy schedule to come to our New Year's party.
I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world.
There is nothing to stop you taking a position on their behalf and handing it over when they come of age.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Urological Society of India, we are privileged to invite you to come to Bangalore and take part in the Mega Event.
But tell me, Yu-ting, have you come here to talk terms with me on behalf of Wu Sun-fu, or just to pump me?
However, compares his specialty to come, what he even more excels is the secondary occupation: Enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, kills these to escape the legal sanction criminal!
The matter of children will come up, and again, you seem to be rethinking a previously made decision you had made on behalf of one child.
Zhang has come to the US many times in the past, but she was merely for the promotion of her films or on behalf of herself.
Zhang has come to the US many times in the past, but she was merely for the promotion of her films or on behalf of herself.