In case the criminal law is violated, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of swindle or other crimes.
The major legal liabilities stipulated by the Forestry Law are criminal liability and administrative liability depending on the nature and gravity of the illegal acts.
In Chapter Five, the highlight of this thesis, the author dissertates in three parts on administrative liability, criminal liability and civil liability of the pilot.
To assess criminal strict liability and draw a right conclusion on it, one should have a comprehensive understanding of its background, connotation and basic values.
On such basis, the author further summarize the characteristics, role and relationship with civil, administrative and criminal liability of traffic accident identification.
As the follow up, he has emphasized not only the existing linkage between Strict Liability and our state 's current criminal law, but the rationalized suggestion on their fusion possibility also.
There are disagreements between doctrines of concrete accord and doctrines of legally prescribed accord in criminal theories on liability fixation of concrete strike mistake.
Violations no matter caused intentionally or negligently may result in administrative penalty, civil liability or even criminal penalty depending on the severity and consequences.
Violations no matter caused intentionally or negligently may result in administrative penalty, civil liability or even criminal penalty depending on the severity and consequences.