By 2050, on current trends, the United States will no longer have a white majority.
On current trends, Stern predicted CO2 emissions from buildings will rise 140% by 2050.
Read up on current trends and news stories so you have something to talk about with people.
Immigration would not, on current trends, make up the shortfall in the working age population.
That is projected to rise to 19 million, or 4.34% of the population, by 2050, based on current trends.
On current trends, China will become a more expensive to manufacture many products within the next five years.
If you've been a little lax about keeping up lately, take some time to read up on current trends and the happenings in your industry.
The new study by University College London suggests that on current trends, by 2050, cancer will rarely kill anyone under the age of 80.
So the shift from the pre-industrial 280ppm to 560ppm, a level which on current trends might be reached around 2070, makes the world a degree warmer.
On current trends, says Mr Djurdjev, Vojvodina will be 90% Serb by the end of the century. The remaining 10% will consist largely of Hungarians and Roma.
They add: "Having taken 250 years to burn the first half trillion tonnes of carbon we look set, on current trends, to burn the next half trillion in less than 40.
The report is surprisingly upbeat on current trends, saying that the economy seems to be weathering the sharp correction in the housing market surprisingly well.
We hope Google is paying attention to current microblogging trends and will include those results in any microblogging search engine it may or may not be working on.
And if current trends continue, he'll be able to tell voters on Election day in November 2012 than unemployment is lower than it was the day he took office.
We'll explain the current application security models available on the J2ME platform, as well as the platform's suitability to some predictable future trends.
What to wear to the office hinges on several things: your company culture and dress code, current trends, the climate and your personal style.
KPI predictions are made based on the KPI's past performance, current trends, acceleration and deceleration, and the optional cyclical pattern.
Grosse: I agree that regulations that would talk about intrusion detection or malware detection or deep pack-et inspection on the network really are being passed by with current technology trends.
Google just launched an experimental version of flu Trends that focuses only on the current flu outbreak in Mexico.
Google刚刚发布了一个实验版流感趋势(Flu Trends)产品,目前仅关注墨西哥当前的猪流感。
As global economies sink into bankruptcy, sabre rattling may on occasion be used to distract the populace, but in the main current trends become more pronounced.
Then it reviews the current research on the PCM and its trends.
Based on current population trends, that number is expected to increase significantly over the next decade.
Projections of current trends in incidence (declining) and survival (increasing) had small effects on 2020 estimates.
Understand marketplace trends, current and new technologies and competitive forces, and assess their impact on our business.
Such a dichotomized view is contrary to established ideas on Mode 2 knowledge production and current trends towards co-production research in the context of the built environment.
Beyond the exciting keynote programme, the conference will include focused breakout sessions providing essential insights on current and future trends impacting the ever-changing mobile industry.
Beyond the exciting keynote programme, the conference will include focused breakout sessions providing essential insights on current and future trends impacting the ever-changing mobile industry.