The welcome party on last Saturday went between 7 and 9 pm.
The young man was entered on last Saturday, and he was the second from the bottom of the line.
Last Saturday, my daughter was invited to a dinner party and planned to buy a cake on her way.
One Saturday afternoon last winter, I drove north on Route 85 through the rolling rangeland of southeastern Wyoming.
On Friday night he could hear her "laughing, listening to music and watching TV" in her room, and he last spoke to her at 2am on the Saturday.
Back in the 20's children between the ages of 8 and 12 lined up on Saturdays to buy their nickel tickets to see the crisis of last Saturday resolved.
Hamas killed four Israeli settlers in a roadside ambush last week to express opposition to the peace talks, and on Saturday it fired a rocket at Israel.
There were signs at the Arab League meeting in Rabat on Wednesday that the organisation may be having second thoughts about its hasty suspension of Syria last Saturday.
Last Saturday, there was a scary movie on TV.
Thus, more realistically, if, over the last six weeks, three issues were delivered to a subscriber on Saturday, and three on Monday (ie, one day late), EDDIE = (1+1+1+1/2+1/2+1/2)/6=0.75.
那么,更现实一点,如果六周内三周在周六派送,三周在周一派送(晚了一天),EDDIE = (1+1+1+1/2+1/2+1/2)/6=0.75。
A woman boarded an Amtrak train in Oakland last Saturday night and proceeded to talk loudly on her cellphone for much of the rest of her 16-hour voyage.
When it reopened on Monday, output duly rose compared with Saturday, the last working day before the change, and continued to rise for the next couple of days.
The torrential rainfall that fell last Saturday night on Zhouqu was part of the same weather system that has flooded millions of Pakistanis out of their homes in recent days.
The fighting flared up last Saturday with heavy losses on both sides.
The first challenge is West Brom on Saturday and there can be no bigger warning than the game last season when the newly-promoted Midlands side won 3-2.
Rupp was indeed the last person to see the Clutters alive – other than the killers – having gone over to River Valley farm on the Saturday night.
Andy Roddick, this year’s Indian Wells runner-up, played six matches in eight days, and his last three—against his toughest competitors—were held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Beijing's high temperature was minus one degree Celsius on Saturday, down by at least six degrees from last week.
Unlike last year, when Sandra Bullock showed up to take the Golden Raspberry for her performance in "All About Steve," no stars claimed their prizes on Saturday at the Razzies, now in their 31st year。
Unlike last year, when Sandra Bullock showed up to take the Golden Raspberry for her performance in "All About Steve," no stars claimed their prizes on Saturday at the Razzies, now in their 31st year.
去年,桑德拉布洛克因出演《关于史蒂夫的一切》获评金酸莓奖,她曾亲临现场领奖。 而今年无一人现身领奖。
UFO landed on Center Street at about 10:00 in the morning last Saturday.
They play their last home game of the season on Saturday against nineteenth-ranked Nebraska.
They play their last home game of the season on Saturday against nineteenth-ranked Nebraska.