You may focus on one aspect of fashion or every aspect.
The potential application of PCF are demonstrated on one aspect.
The potential applications of PCF are demonstrated on one aspect.
The "rules" mean the relative general provisions on one aspect of the administrative works.
The "measures" mean the relative specific provisions on one aspect of the administrative works.
Namesys has decided to focus on one aspect of the filesystem, at least initially — small file performance.
This is a deep and complex subject in itself, but we exchanged notes on one aspect of it, which is branding.
The "rules" mean the relative specific provisions on one aspect of the administrative works or the social life.
The "regulations" mean the relative general provisions on one aspect of the administrative works or the social life.
A good example would be centration which is the tendency to focus on one aspect of a problem and ignore other relevant features.
The ABC approach in Uganda was and still is more than just abstinence and needs to be balanced without any emphasis on one aspect.
Sadly on one aspect, City. Face series weren't promoted in later creation, up until 2010, works related "city" has returned to the field of art.
This separation helps you manage complexity when you build an application, because it enables you to focus on one aspect of the implementation at a time.
This separation helps you manage complexity when you build an application, because it enables you to focus on one aspect of the implementation at a time.
This paper focuses on one aspect that is often overlooked: a set of well-designed stages where applications can be rigorously developed, tested, and deployed.
This historical trend leads to the combination of aesthetics and culture, with aestheticity of life on one aspect and life-oriented aestheticity on the other.
We will focus on this paper mainly on one aspect of the numerous Matteo Ricci's activities and talents: his ability to communicate as we would say today, his "P."
The culture revealed its entertaining and beauty-appreciation functions on one aspect, yet as a spreading medium it demonstrated specific social-educational stuff.
Fermi's accomplishments were in both theoretical and experimental physics, a unique feat in an age in which scientific endeavors have tended to specialize on one aspect or the other.
The view on the screen is just one aspect of the model.
One key issue is focusing too much on the testing aspect of the process, and considering the whole thing just a testing activity.
Although the books disagree somewhat about Pakistan's prospects, they are not far apart on at least one important aspect of its past.
Yet, we all know that supply of provisions and clothing is only one aspect of life; man's demand on life is many-sided. Higher the civilization, higher is man's psychological aspiration.
One of the key aspects of the system architect's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution, often by trading off one aspect against another.
Another Internet success story Johny b. Truant summarized the idea of focusing on one thing in life this way: "Carving out one aspect of yourself and saying" this is who I am "is dumb."
Although WS-I is still working on finalizing the Basic Security Profile, there is one aspect of the BSP that we felt needed to be further constrained — the choice of encryption algorithm.
尽管WS - i仍在进行BasicSecurityProfile的收尾工作,但我们认为需要对BSP的一个方面进行进一步的约束:即加密算法的选择。
One difficult aspect of SWT trees is to implement sorting of the tree's items, a topic on which information is much sought after in public support forums.
The RUP is divided into four phases, each one focusing on a certain aspect of the development cycle: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.
The RUP is divided into four phases, each one focusing on a certain aspect of the development cycle: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.