He thinks 1415 marks the crucial moment on that path: the year when Henry, pretending to want peace with France, in fact slowly mobilised the whole of England for war.
When historians look back to the moment when the post-Cold War reign of American power ended, they may well settle on 2010 as a crucial year.
As we will see in a moment, this unique identification is crucial for WebSphere to operate correctly on the other metadata files.
Many others are seriously injured. Technology played a crucial from the moment of the investigation began on Monday.
In the final live show on Sunday, about 14 rounds of advertisements were aired, each of which came at a crucial result-announcing moment.
The problem: Depending on the host nation, crucial Cup games often unfold at some moment inconveniently situated between 9 am and 5 pm US time.
As you focus on Compassion and Grace you will become aware of those in the Higher Realms who are working with you and with the Earth at this Crucial Moment of Transformation.
As you focus on Compassion and Grace you will become aware of those in the Higher Realms who are working with you and with the Earth at this Crucial Moment of Transformation.