But Uganda seems to be on the front lines of this battle.
Those are on the front lines of being most heavily impacted.
Natural Killer cells are on the front lines of your immune system.
Bortamuly is on the front lines of a battle that has beengoing on in India for nearly 60 years.
But, with training, he says he has settled into his new role on the front lines of HIV prevention.
Jeff is a bona fide accountant, working on the front lines of practice, not up in an ivory tower.
The exterminators are on the front lines of the bedbug battles, and they have seen the casualties: romance.
Though Dobley is no longer on the front lines of Somalia's civil war, it has in recent months been at the front lines of the Somali famine.
After all, when your dad's been in the busjness along time, you stand to benefit from his decades on the front lines of the securities markets.
But advocacy groups like the ACEF don't face those pressures and now that the groups are allowed to Sue, they may start to take a larger role on the front lines of environmental defense.
We leverage the collective intelligence from this diverse threat data and use it to teach our machines how to operate on the front lines of a global battle that changes every day, minute by minute.
Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the esteemed Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology.
There he met people on the front lines; people who have beaten the disease, children and teens who face the threat of TB every day and scientists who have dedicated their lives to making TB history.
There have been instances of field commanders colluding with with others to avoid confrontations on the front lines.
Most of the time in Iraq or Afghanistan when Western reporters went out on the front lines, they went on embeds with American troops.
When viewed on the wall, the names of the nations appear to be allies of American soldiers standing behind them on the front lines.
Working on the front lines, they have first-hand knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
The opposite wall is lined with etchings of the faces of the soldiers who fought on the front lines.
If you'll be on the frenzied front lines of the battle for holiday sales and market share, it'll take more than a cool head to earn peak sales.
A 23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar, margarine, rice and tea.
An internal email announcing the plan, however, called for an "emergency mobilization" of employees to help on the manufacturing "front lines."
A staple of the American soldier's uniform, Long Johns kept our boys on the front lines warm during harsh weather conditions.
A staple of the American soldier's uniform, Long Johns kept our boys on the front lines warm during harsh weather conditions.