Based on 4,000-7,000 sales a month, its price index should give a more up-to-date picture of the German market.
根据月销售4000 ~ 7000套住房计算出来的房价指数应能反映德国市场最新情况。
Based on 4, 000-7, 000 sales a month, its price index should give a more up-to-date picture of the German market.
根据月销售4000 ~ 7000套住房计算出来的房价指数应能反映德国市场最新情况。
Based on 4, 000-7, 000 sales a month, its price index should give a more up-to-date picture of the German market.
根据月销售4000 ~ 7000套住房计算出来的房价指数应能反映德国市场最新情况。