George, a dirty old tramp notorious for the queer habit of sleeping in his hat, grumbled about a parcel of tommy that he had lost on the road.
The fisherman, owner of the queer hen, said that it can’t fly back to the henhouse on the roof like other chickens.
Then, two days later, the well-oiled boys from Jersey Shore appeared on the cover of the Village Voice’s Queer Issue.
Then, two days later, the well-oiled boys from Jersey Shore appeared on the cover of the Village Voice's Queer Issue.
There is no doubt a good percentage of queer women are involved in this industry — not only behind the scenes, but also on the catwalk and on the glossy pages of fashion magazines.
On hearing the queer sound he cut the engine.
The Duke beamed on the group, and Madame Olenska advanced with a murmur of welcome toward the queer couple.
But before I can gather my wits Carl is on the phone again and he's saying in that queer squeaky voice: "She likes you, Joe."
The effects different joint forms, queer out and the measuring ways on tensile sheer strength are studied in the paper.
After a time, tired by his dancing apparently, he settled on the window ledge in the sun, and the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him.
When we summarize the virtue of these two gentlemen, we would say: they are lofty and aloof but are queer on behavior.
When we summarize the virtue of these two gentlemen, we would say: they are lofty and aloof but are queer on behavior.