Okay on the surface of it it is easy to set out arguments logic book style, let's try this one.
Spreading a little oil on the surface of the food material or using flour on the surface of it.
On the surface of it, this argument seems sound, but when weighing it thoroughly in the mind, we would find its absurdity.
The pattern on the surface of it is black and white photographs styles, used to increase the decorative has more modern and classical style tea tray distinguish.
It left Arsenal, on the surface of it, way behind their title rivals. The team which had just blown the title was barely being bolstered, let alone dramatically improved.
When a raindrop falls on the solar panel and then rolls down, it creates friction on the surface of the panel, which can then be turned into electricity.
Right now there seems to be heat someplace inside the moon, possibly a great deal of it. On the surface, however, there is no sign of heat-no volcano, for example.
Deep Impact also found evidence of ice on the surface of the comet, not just inside it.
But if that ground is, indeed, sloping, it means that the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle instead of face on.
Caves belong to the most enigmatic formations, created by Mother Nature on the surface of planet Earth, or, to be more accurate, beneath it.
Sans wheels, which were needed for last year’s simulations to the surface of the moon, the vehicle could be transformed for asteroid exploration by mounting it on a flying platform, says NASA.
美宇航局说,这个太空探索车是去年月球表面太空模拟的必备工具。 这一工具可以改造一下,安装在一个飞行平台来适应小行星探索。
Just when things were working out on the surface of his life, whatever was going on inside compelled him to end it.
Because the protein is on the surface of the viral particles, it is a primary target for immune system cells and antibodies to recognize the viruses.
The job of a rules architect might sound straightforward on the surface, but it is probably one of the must challenging jobs in it today.
When these charged droplets come into contact with the surface of the print they collect any substances deposited on it, creating a thin liquid film.
It would drill below the surface, and look for signs of life on the planet.
Most of this surface is sea, and the water below it—over 97% of the total on Earth—is salty.
On the face of it this seems an extraordinary proposition given that surface temperatures on Mercury, certainly at the equator, can exceed 400C - hot enough to melt lead.
Key to the product's versatility is the fact it can be sold in a solution of either alcohol or water, depending on what surface needs to be coated.
A single bead of water condenses on a spore's surface; when the bead touches a film of water on another part of the spore, the bead pours into it, like raindrops merging on a windowshield.
But on a hillside that means the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an Angle, instead of face on.
On the surface, you can call it the fear of failure!
Traditional hard drives employ electrodes called heads to create tiny magnetic regions, known as domains, on the surface of a plate as it spins.
The resulting gusts scour the ice surface, depositing snow on the other side instead of letting it build up against the station itself.
This cell-killing system, too, recognises antigens, but it finds them on the surface of an infected cell.
Robotic submarines removed the cap that had been placed on top of the leak in early June to collect the oil and send it to surface ships for collection or burning.
This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface.
This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface.