Some buses have local guides, who will point out places of interest and will provide information on the town.
This is a recorded message lasting approximately four minutes and it provides general information on the town bus tour.
Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption.
A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.
The pirates swept down on the town.
You can pay for a night on the town.
Champagne, perhaps, or a night on the town?
Cup of coffee after a night on the town to sober up?
Some people want to live on the town square, so they don’t miss a thing.
Online dating is a cheaper way of meeting people than a night on the town.
The rebels say they've launched a new assault on the town of Zlitan, east of Tripoli.
Done right, your wedding reception can easily be a favorite night out on the town.
Heading out for a first date or night on the town and want an escape, just in case?
A reliable choice for a family on the town has long been a splashy musical with some hearty laughs.
Romans, Byzantines, Assyrians, Arabs, Mongols and Ottomans – they have all passed through here and left their marks on the town.
The youngster had an excellent collection of field glasses and telescopes, and these he would train on the town, watching people.
Whether it be a night on the town, a new dress, or even a new car, setting up a reward system just may be the extra push you need to succeed.
Spears and Hilton have been regularly photographed together enjoying nights out on the town in the wake of Spears' divorce from husband Kevin Federline.
We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can't afford.
Filmmakers and media types descend on the town each June to hand out a documentary film award called the Golden Beggar, which depicts a vagrant tipping his hat.
On July 10, 1976, an explosion at a northern Italian chemical plant released a thick, white cloud of dioxin that quickly settled on the town of Seveso, north of Milan.
Schedule a weekend event with your friends. Get together for a barbecue, go to a movie, play video games, go to the football game, or have a night out on the town.
Barbara Bush's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town, but the Secret Service agents did not notice, ABC said, citing police sources.
Sure, you'd rather spend that birthday check from grandma for a night out with your friends, but it'll do you more good if you use it to pay off that last night on the town.
We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft bottom; and we lay on the town wharf and fed worms to the tame bass.
We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft bottom; and we lay on the town wharf and fed worms to the tame bass.