Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless gadget may be turning friends away from your home.
What is clear from the data is that foreigners have not deserted the US economy so far and no evidence suggests that they are on the verge of turning away from the largest economy in the world.
Keep on turning your request over to your subconscious until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.
The essential action is to stop turning away and disconnecting from the suffering we impose on others by our food choices.
But the day after, all the Brilliant words seemed like dead leaves, crumpling up and turning to powder, meaning really nothing, Blown away on any gust of wind.
He understood that his own eyes must be unbearable, and turning away, rested his elbows on the mantel-shelf and covered his face.
The Witch was just turning away with a look of fierce joy on her face when she stopped and said, "But how do I know this promise will be kept?"
Plus, the first turning point of my life is coming, if don't work hard, I would like a stumbling block on the fall, after get up, I can find me more and more far, far away from success.
Plus, the first turning point of my life is coming, if don't work hard, I would like a stumbling block on the fall, after get up, I can find me more and more far, far away from success.