Agriculture USES three-quarters of the world's water (urban use is trivial: most people drink two or three litres a day, on average, but 2, 000-5, 000 litres are used to make the food they eat).
More labor-intensive urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well, thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside.
The potential harms of urban agriculture on environment and human health are analyzed, and some simple measures of management and control are put forward.
In 2011, the surge in food prices was a boon to Brazilian agriculture but a huge burden on its urban poor.
The geographical information system has played the vital role in urban planning management, transportation, mapping, environmental protection, agriculture, charting, and so on.
Farmers' doing business and seeking jobs in cities is a practical way to rely on industry to boost agriculture and extend urban civilization to rural areas.
Past projects have focused on watershed restoration, urban renewal, agriculture and forestry issues among others.
For a long time, environment protection focuses on industrial pollution control and comprehensive improvement of urban environment, which makes the protection of agriculture environment lag behind.
For a long time, environment protection focuses on industrial pollution control and comprehensive improvement of urban environment, which makes the protection of agriculture environment lag behind.