You could, if required, enter all your contacts twice-once for each contact list-and then, each time you have a change, make the change in both lists.
From the experts' viewpoints, the key to breaking with the vicious circle is to change the fixed pattern of thinking once and for all.
Mariah decided to make a permanent life change and got into a better shape once and for all.
This fact, coupled with concerns over climate change, makes it even more obvious that the electricity generation industry must move away from dirty energy and towards renewables once and for all.
Do you want to create life-long change once and for all - or do you want to continue eating crap and living in a body you hate?
Most of us would discover that we are not responding in the generous way we should and we make a commitment to change and get it better this time once and for all.
Moreover, business proceedings aren't set once and for all, they change naturally because of new constraints, new needs or a renewed global strategy.
Moreover, business proceedings aren't set once and for all, they change naturally because of new constraints, new needs or a renewed global strategy.