As the function was held early in the morning, Eric wore a pair of glasses with white stripes, a turban and a long-sleeve overcoat. Cheng Yan Yee once wore the same style of glasses.
由于当日活动在早上举行,Eric戴郑欣宜曾戴过的白色横间眼镜、头巾及身穿长袖外套亮相, 疲惫不堪。
As the function was held early in the morning, Eric wore a pair of glasses with white stripes, a turban and a long-sleeve overcoat. Cheng Yan Yee once wore the same style of glasses.
由于当日活动在早上举行,Eric戴郑欣宜曾戴过的白色横间眼镜、头巾及身穿长袖外套亮相, 疲惫不堪。