If you need a boost of vitamin C, for example, one of the best things to eat are blueberries.
One of the wittiest exemplars of the technique was M. C. Escher.
I found that if two elements undergo the same type of movement the launching site of one element must c-command the launching site of the other element.
The following code shows one way to implement this pattern in C#.
以下代码显示了在 C# 中实现该模式的一个方式。
In this example, only one C file is used, but in large systems, typically various libraries are built and finally linked to build the executable file.
C: Trees, lakes, mountains, when you've seen one you've seen them all.
Settlers now outnumber Palestinians in Area C by two to one; they regard the territory as theirs.
The C + + Standard Template library (STL) was one of the great innovations in library design.
C+ +标准模板库(STL)是库设计中一个重大革新。
With dynamic linking, you can update just one C runtime library, and correct the internationalization of all seventy-nine applications.
有了动态链接,您就可以只更新一个C运行时库,然后修正所有 79 个应用程序的共同问题。
Mr Harper promised three new ones: that has now been scaled back to one (costing C$720m) and six ice-hardened patrol boats.
C: Yes.It's one of the nicest flats I've ever seen.
C: It sounds great, I'll have one of those.
Michele Costabirle considers that missing a standard library from the beginning was one of C++ flaws
As of November 2009, the latest version of the Gearman daemon is 0.10, and two PHP extensions are available - one that wraps the Gearman C library with PHP and one that's written in pure PHP.
C: a fruit salad, oh, and one Iced Tea.
Ella would find her salvation in school, even as a C student, thanks to one teacher.
Ella 还是找到了对她的心灵的拯救,即使她只是一个成绩为C的学生,也能有这样的一个老师帮助了她。
Loaded with vitamin c, strawberries have numerous health benefits, one of them being protection for your eyes.
Without covering every possible explanation, here are a few reasons why it makes sense to have an object system for C. For one, there are many developers who simply prefer C to C++.
这里我们不讨论每种可能的解释,而只解释为什么拥有一个用于C 的对象系统是有意义的。 其一,比起 C++,有许多开发人员更喜欢用 C。
Of the many comets named for discoverer Robert McNaught, the one cataloged as C/2009 R1 is gracing dawn skies for northern hemisphere observers this month.
One of the studies looked at echinacea used with vitamin c, another common cold remedy, and that one showed the two together reduced the number of colds by 86%.
I'm sure that for every programmer that dislikes C + +, there is one who likes it.
Many things can be said regarding C++, but one thing is sure: C++ moved programmers one step up on the programming ladder.
If you can compile this one-line C++ file, your include paths are probably right.
如果能够编译这个只有一行的 C++文件,那么您的包含路径就可能是正确的。
Despite the recentness of its discovery, C. roenbergensis is one of the commonest creatures on the planet.
One marker for inflammation in the blood is called C-reactive protein.
C: this material looks nice. And so does this one.
There has to be languages for those experts to use--and C++ is one of those languages.
In standard C, at least one element of an array must be defined.
At one point, C + + was the leading language and people thought it would always be so.