If using transactions, one-phase optimisations are possible.
如果使用事务,将使一阶段(one - phase)优化成为可能。
This process effectively delegates transaction coordination to the one-phase commit resource.
The second argument in method commit() distinguishes between a One-Phase or Two-Phase-Commit operation.
Other data sources (such as Oracle, MQSeries, and CICS) are supported with one-phase commit capabilities.
Are there any circumstances when a one-phase commit protocol provides benefits over a two-phase commit protocol?
Unlike a two-phase commit process, there is no recovery from a communication failure with a one-phase commit resource.
Unlike a two-phase commit resource, there is no recovery from a communication failure with a one-phase commit resource.
The implication of only local transaction support is that only a flat transaction model (one-phase commit) is supported.
However, if you mean using one-phase resource with XA resources in the same WebSphere global transaction, the answer is yes.
The two-phase commit resources are then committed or rolled back depending on the response from the one-phase commit resource.
Such a communication failure during commit of the one-phase commit resource introduces the risk of a mixed outcome to the transaction.
This is because the EJB container cannot commit a one-phase commit resource together with two-phase commit resources in a global transaction.
这是因为在全局事务中ej b容器不能同时提交单阶段提交资源和两阶段提交资源。
The critical state of a system, with the one-phase state being close to the boundary of stability conditions breaking, is discussed in detail.
The CICS resource adapter supports local transactions, which means that the CICS server manages the transactions with one-phase commit or rollback.
The two-phase commit resources are rolled back, but the outcome of the one-phase commit resource is unknown; it could have committed or rolled back.
Last Participant Support (LPS) : you can mix a one one-phase resource with multiple two-phase resources within the same WebSphere global transaction.
LastParticipantSupport (LPS):您可以在同样的WebSphere全局事务中混合一个一一对应的单阶段资源和多个的两阶段资源。
It also enables a single one-phase capable resource manager to be used within a transaction in the absence of any other transactional resource managers.
It also enables a single one-phase capable (Local transaction) resource manager to be used within a transaction in the absence of any other resource managers.
Thus, a communication failure during commit of the one-phase commit resource introduces the risk of a mixed outcome to the transaction (the heuristic hazard).
The EJB container will report a message saying An illegal attempt to enlist a one-phase capable resource with existing two-phase capable resources has occurred.
This is because the ObjectGrid only supports one-phase commit transactions (which are much faster than two-phase commit) and therefore a query can only span a single partition.
This allows a single one-phase commit capable resource (such as a CICS ECI Connection) to participate in a global transaction with any number of two-phase commit capable resource managers.
However, the XA protocol does provide some additional integrity to this one-phase commit scenario in its provision of resynchronization and recovery logic for failure during commit processing.
However, when CICS TG is running on a distributed platform, a one-phase commit connection still has to be used, and so CICS TG has to be considered a local transaction capable resource manager.
不过,当CICSTG在分布式平台上运行时,仍必须使用单阶段提交连接,因此CICS TG需要考虑使用支持本地事务的资源管理器。
Should you pick only one friend from each phase of your life, or more than one?
Within each phase, you must achieve a major milestone via the execution of one or more micro iterations before the next phase can begin.
If that one is called the land phase, then this has to be called the water phase, right?
In Phase One, you can only sign up for 10 units worth of classes.
Normal expression of synapsin I and normal PSD is one of the reasons for seizure-free at resting phase.
突触素 I和PSD的正常表达是静止期无癫痫发作的原因之一。
So, that's a homogeneous system, one phase. You have to know if your system is an equilibrium system or not.