Our agency is a one-stop shop for all your travel needs.
A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be, The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop.
The bulletin board at Wilmington's one-stop center used to be covered with job postings.
The concierge should be a one-stop shop.
Plentitube offers this one-stop-shopping model for content.
Welcome to ATM, the One-stop Automotive tools Plaza in China.
It is a lifelong learningpartner, not a one-stop certification shop.
Far from frustrating investors, the policy would help them by offering a one-stop shop.
Their big corporate customers increasingly want a one-stop shop for their information systems.
The SANS Institute is your one-stop shop for security information, certification programs, and research.
Through itsiTunes music store, Apple became a one-stop shopping site for consumerslooking for digital content.
And do you see that trend as a threat because these companies will be a one-stop shop for PCs and smart phones?
Ultimately, operators want to become one-stop shops for all services and thereby increase their average revenue per user.
Today, a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less.
However, on the mobile, there's more of need for a one-stop-shop type of portal and today Google delivers just what we needed.
The most common practice is setting up “one-stop” facilities, which aim at allowing investors to conduct all procedures in one place.
Business Space is the one-stop shop for all process activities and information, individually tailored to each of the process participants.
Hoovers: Hoover's is "your one-stop reference for business information," and you'll find industry overviews, business reports, and a lot more.
There is no one-stop crisis management center to ease that worry, but individuals can pick and choose courses that meet their greatest concerns.
So Facebook and MySpace are trying to morph from the high school gym — a place for flirting and gossip — into one-stop entertainment destinations.
While that is both a blessing and a curse, if you're in the market for a one-stop shop for your Ajax needs, these are two powerful contenders.
IM provides an efficient mechanism to maintain software packages providing a one-stop shop for install, update, modify, and uninstall operations.
These websites will be more of a one-stop-shop for how to locate you and your work on various other sites– your blog and your social media hangouts.
As the biggest technology company by sales, HP now competes with every other it shop that offers one-stop shopping for corporate buyers and consumers alike.
A lot of other utilities exist, but netstat tends to be a one-stop shop that covers the capabilities of route, ifconfig, and other standard GNU/Linux tools.
尽管存在许多其他的实用程序,但netstat 的功能很全面,它覆盖了route、ifconfig和其他标准GNU/Linux 工具的功能。
Due to limitations in terms of technology, it is important to leverage the OTA system, more and more travellers are now looking for a one-stop shop for their purchases.
Lynn's extensive experience in the industry will be a great addition to our team as we aim to be a one-stop shop for all of a middle market business 'financial needs.
Vendor FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt spread to sell product) aside, there are really not that many attack tools that present a complete one-stop, no-brains-required spoofing solution.
In trying to make it harder for customers to get legal advice from formally allied firms, or even a global one-stop shop, Brazil is moving against a tide towards globalisation in legal practice.
In trying to make it harder for customers to get legal advice from formally allied firms, or even a global one-stop shop, Brazil is moving against a tide towards globalisation in legal practice.