One day he chanced upon Emma's diary and began reading it.
A total of 600 employed and unemployed respondents were asked to construct a diary of the previous day, listing all the activities they engaged in and how they felt during each one.
At the retreat, absolutely no talking is allowed except for a one-hour counselling session a day, and recording a short diary on tape.
One day, her little brother has spilt cola over her diary.
One day, I was looking for some information, they found, when I got married, my father gave me a gift, a diary, when my father said to me: This is my mother's diary with you, I hope it will help you.
The online life is one where we awake with the sun and go about our day using healthy automatic habits like the cold shower, 10-minute meditation, and morning diary writing.
One day when my best friends wanted to see what I wrote in my diary, I was reading it in the bus and without noticing the guy whom I hate was sitting back of me with his buddies.
Back home, I will one day happen to write in the diary.
One Olympic official said: 'If Pele's diary is clear on that day, of course he will be there and play a part. He is the most famous Brazilian in the world.
Every one! Now again time every day, my diary is special newsman Chen.
Everyone could be the author of their own. Write down your unique mood on the page of Bridge Diary, one day it will be published as your own book...
Everyone could be the author of their own. Write down your unique mood on the page of Bridge Diary, one day it will be published as your own book...