One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination.
Indeed, as far as gimmicks go, this one ranks pretty high, and what could get really interesting is if there's rain on the day in question.
This was the case one day in 2008 when an extended family of farmers from a village called Satichiwadi climbed up to the hilltop temple of their village goddess, planning to ask her for rain.
One day if I cannot take your umbrella that I will accompany you in the rain.
Overland Track Day One... in the rain.
Alex Wurz was in the car for day one, bearing the brunt of the intermittent rain showers and very gusty wind conditions, which frustrated his progress.
Until there was one night, should be 148th day I navigated, when I started to despair, the storm has come. I standed in the bow alone, accepted the rain splashed wet on me and shouted to sky loudly.
One day, after driving through rain for almost the whole afternoon, our car rounded a bend and suddenly there was the most beautiful rainbow right in front of us.
I have a good friend named Lihong. One day, she got cold and high fever after being caught in the rain.
Over the years, she arrived the ward at 7:00 every day, and then immediately went to work, after work, she was the last one to leave, in spite of rain or wind.
Seven years old that year summer, one day evening hurricane is airborne, wind and rain did not break in the evening is not stop, connecting two food are not eating.
Seven years old that year summer, one day evening hurricane is airborne, wind and rain did not break in the evening is not stop, connecting two food are not eating.