Scooting around Paris in her Golf GTI, one hand on the wheel and the other clutching her cell phone, de Kergorlay pauses between calls to rave about life alone.
她开着漂亮的德国Golf GTI牌小汽车快速地在巴黎兜着风,一手扶着方向盘,另一手抓着手机,在打电话的间歇中热情洋溢地谈论着单身生活。
Also keep in mind you can hold the Space Bar or the Scroll Wheel button if you have one on your mouse to enable the Hand Tool as well.
Handling the machine manually, use the additional speed switch (the handle multiplier), which can change the value of displacement equal to one skip on the scale of the hand-wheel.
These attachments let you talk on the phone and keep your hands on the wheel rather than hold your phone in one hand and driving with the other.
These attachments let you talk on the phone and keep your hands on the wheel rather than hold your phone in one hand and driving with the other.