Stay home (love that at the end of the list, my daughter wrote this one in by herself).
Better to have axed Wilbur at the beginning, I felt, than allow me to grow to love the protagonists and then give one of them the chop in the end.
In the end the great love of his life may have been the one he Shared with his adoring readers.
We agreed to go together, but in the end the only one I love in the end station to wait.
Only holding the love and living poorly, no one could persevere in the end if the previous sense of fresh disappeared.
You are the one in my life, I will love you till the end of time.
Whether there is freedom and love or not, in death, every one equal, hope that death is not your end, you adored the light, so you will never fear the darkness.
Sometimes one's greed shows up in the name of love. Such love can do nothing but lead one to a dead end.
Sometimes one's greed shows up in the name of love. Such love can do nothing but lead one to a dead end.