Yes, it seems that one picture is worth a thousand words.
I totally agree. Pictures are nice memories. One picture is worth a thousand words.
Remember the old Chinese saying, "One picture is worth a thousand words"? Unfortunately, some pictures take longer than ten thousand words to load.
It's true that one picture is worth a thousand words, and diagrams best illustrate single points of failure and other weaknesses when discussing the matter with management.
If a picture is worth a thousand words a digital camera is worth10000pages of jargon double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.
What is worth mention, I took the picture by a simple small camera, not the professional one, I was surprised that it looks not bad.
What is worth mention, I took the picture by a simple small camera, not the professional one, I was surprised that it looks not bad.