Every step that he took in going from one piece of furniture to another exhausted him, and he was obliged to sit down.
More than 300 years after Europeans discovered it, the sofa thus remains the one piece of furniture that never simply disappears into the woodwork.
Either way, the "Brainwave Sofa" is clearly a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture.
Supply-side economics, though, is only one piece of Mr Ryan's intellectual furniture.
Though there is no fixed design for a perfect ergonomic furniture piece but they are made on one basic premise of comfort.
Ken sat on one end of the leather sofa, with Jun next to him, her legs stretched out on the remainder of the piece of furniture.
Said system comprises a rail that is mounted on the floor and at least one roll which is mounted on the piece of furniture or the implement.
This starting point helped us to design a piece of furniture capable of traveling from one end to another of the house and of becoming the main defining element of the space.
This starting point helped us to design a piece of furniture capable of traveling from one end to another of the house and of becoming the main defining element of the space.