One set of data can have people's names and addresses.
Let us look at one set of data.
Thus, when one set of data has been processed, the program can be repeated.
Of course, you can have more than one set of data drawn in histograms, as was shown in the SAR example.
One set of data was based on using JDBC for the operation, the other on using prepared statements. Again, this has a logo, drop shadows, and a stats table.
The chart under discussion is a single-series chart (having only one set of data), representing the day of the week and the number of hours spent by the employee on that day.
Memory's contents are easy to change. Thus, when one set of data has been processed, the program can be repeated, reading and processing new data, and generating new output.
But within one data set you can view it in a number of different formats and select from a range of different variables.
Selection pages are often composed of one or more selection components that let the user select criteria by which a data set is viewed by constrained list components.
While actually a very simple set of data, it is one of the key measurements that you can obtain on a server.
One defining benefit of clustering over classification is that every attribute in the data set will be used to analyze the data.
With a thin client, you can maximize the one resource you have complete control over, the server, to do the brunt of the work and dish out a minimal set of data and presentation layer information.
It's one month's set of data and they tell us little about the future.
Listing 10 shows one approach, which is to bind the "Delete" trigger to a node in the data model, and then to make that node non-relevant when the count of nodes in the set reaches 1.
Data integrity depends on a set of actions atomically moving data from one well-defined state to another.
In a system that processes transactions, the amount of live data that needs to be copied will be equivalent to one set of live transactions.
This approach has many problems: the file format is arbitrary, only one set of keywords is saved, objects are not even on the horizon, data values are limited to one line of text, and so on.
The return type can be any one of the four basic XPath 1.0 data types: boolean, string, node set, and number.
返回类型可以是4 种XPath 1.0基本数据类型之一:boolean、字符串、节点集和数字。
One of the nice features of Squirrel is its rich set of data structures relative to typical shells.
One is the “widget”, a snippet of code that often lives on a PC’s desktop and allows the user to get a quick personalised view of a set of data.
In a graph prepared for the World Meteorological Organisation in 1999, Dr Jones cut off the divergent part of one set of tree-ring data and spliced on data from thermometers.
When set to false, tracing of the UI Data components will include only one instance of each component inside of UI Data.
当该值设置为假时,UIData构件的追踪将会只包含UI Data构件端的一个实例。
A Schematron document is essentially a set of constraints that apply to XML data. You can express a concrete Schematron constraint in one of two ways.
One set consisted of collected visual observations from ships over the last 50 years, and the other was based on data collected from weather satellites.
The important thing here is to set up the page so that when the user clicks on one of these radio buttons, the form knows how to move the data from one instance to the other (see Listing 4).
Anytime a large set of data is to be displayed, paging is used to show the user one subset of data at a time.
One may decide to base the migration of the bulk set of data using either a built-in export/import mechanism or, alternatively, a third-party solution.
To scan one or more data elements of a set in order to find elements that have a certain property.
This design means that there is one transaction per phone call, and each operator should always have the right set of data available when he or she answers a call.
OLAP dimensions provide a way to categorize a set of related data attributes that together describe one aspect of a business measurement.