Expect some shakeups in the online advertising market next year.
"A combination of Microsoft and Yahoo would have provided balance to the online advertising market place," he told the BBC News website.
So even as Goldman Sachs pours $450 million into the company, Japan, with a large and growing online advertising market, is a big hole in Facebook’s global fabric.
[For example], skip the size of the online advertising market, and outline the size of the network-management, cloud-based slice based on the number of people adopting XYZ.
Some fear that one company could try to monopolise other key parts of the cloud; ironically, Microsoft worries that Google is doing exactly that with the online advertising market.
How to increase the market scale of online advertising in China?
Yahoo! Is losing market share in online searches, and advertising with it.
China's Internet advertising and online retail market is tiny — just 5% of that of the U.S..
The biggest spenders online are recruitment advertising (25.7% share of the Internet AD market), automotive (11.9%), technology (10.4%) and finance (10%).
That advantage has helped Facebook become the leader in U.S. display advertising with a 16% share of the online ad market, according to the research firm eMarketer Inc.
Moreover, many young firms can tap into a thriving online-advertising market that was but a dream when the dotcom boom turned to bust.
Lastly, market timing was clearly in LinkShare's favor as awareness of the online advertising space has clearly grown since the last affiliate marketing acquisition (Performics in May 2004).
But the U. S. market remains leaps and bounds ahead in terms of online advertising and e-commerce.
To speed up construction of information networks of cotton Internet marketing and online advertising has become an international commodity market, the most convenient and most effective promotions.
Current market partition of the traditional consumer goods cyber advertising increased year by year, many industries have been thinking highly of the great potential in online advertising media.
We don t depend on advertising revenue, as its hard for us to compete with large online portals in the advertising market.
We don t depend on advertising revenue, as its hard for us to compete with large online portals in the advertising market.