Today, comScore is releasing an online advertising report that shows that Flash and rich media ads represent 40 percent of all U.S. online advertising.
The report — compiled in partnership with Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the World advertising Research Centre — shows that online advertising currently accounts for 16% of media spending.
The increase was caused partly by an increase in the number of companies advertising jobs online, and partly by workers quitting their jobs at the end of the holiday, according to the report.
This report is aimed at CSPs and vendors and analyses the technology that CSPs will need to deliver online - particularly mobile - advertising.
本报告提供CSP和供应商提供线上 (尤其是行动) 广告的相关技术相关调查分析之系统性信息。
This report is aimed at CSPs and vendors and analyses the technology that CSPs will need to deliver online - particularly mobile - advertising.
本报告提供CSP和供应商提供线上 (尤其是行动) 广告的相关技术相关调查分析之系统性信息。