Can accept the client of messages sent, and will to message to all online client (server function).
In this pattern, the user interacts with a remote data store when the client is online and interacts with a local data store when the client is offline.
The CM arbitrator will take around 10 seconds to reestablish the connection and thereafter any client connection is redirected to the Online er server.
An online confirmation system would allow auditors, after receiving client permission, to confirm bank balances online from the headquarters database of the Banks.
While these projects aren’t likely to generate significant income, combined with other initiatives, becoming an online expert can position a consultant as an expert and help drive new client calls.
The client periodically synchronizes changes made to the local database to the server when the client is online.
Similarly, messages destined for client applications are held in server-side message queues and then sent to the client applications when the device is back online.
The format of the data to be exchanged between client and service is defined in terms of the XML the XML schema for the online coffee service is shown in Listing 1.
For a basic data form entry screen, such as an online credit card application, a rich client gains little, if any, performance boost because the user activity is limited.
When the client is online a "that is, when the client has connectivity to the server — database synchronization can be triggered immediately after an update is made to the local database."
Twomey used The Sims Online as an example of the sort of interface all companies in the future will be using, in fields including retail, client services, B2B and advertising.
Once synchronized using the WebSphere Everyplace Client, the portlet is fully functional in both online and offline environments, as shown in the screen captures below.
一旦使用WebSphereEveryplace Client对portlet进行了同步,这个portlet便在联机环境和脱机环境中都有完整的功能,如下面的抓屏所示。
Then, depending on your computer (Mac or PC), you can either download the Windows-only desktop client or head over to the online service at
HeBS reported steady increases in direct online channel bookings across its hotel client portfolio, even in a difficult year like 2009.
HeBS reports steady increases in direct online channel bookings across its hotel client portfolio.
An example of this is security holes in a Web page's code that can allow an online banking client to see another client's data.
Brock gives as example a travel industry client of hers who wanted to maximise revenue online.
For online operations, the client platform supports Web services, so client applications can consume and provide Web services in a secure manner.
Follow the online instructions for getting custom client keys because, effectively, you'll be building an automated custom AIM client.
请按照在线说明获取定制的客户机密匙(client key),因为后面将构建一个自动化的、定制的AIM客户机。
For instance, a JMS client could send a message to an MDB (which is constantly online awaiting incoming messages), which in turn could access a session bean or a handful of entity beans.
FaceoffIM is a chat client developed specifically for Facebook chat users to stay connected to their online friends without a web browser and Facebook's suspiciously social interface.
To look for an online user from the Notes client and to initiate a chat from the Library, open a document that you want to discuss, and then select the Who is online TAB.
Therefore, this mechanism requires the client to be online at least one time before switching to offline mode.
As a result, firms are offering online games that can be played either through "client" software, which users download, or via a web browser.
Table 1 shows the interaction states on the client as it interacts with the online coffee service.
From an infrastructure perspective, it used to be the case that you could build an online game server infrastructure that would support any online-capable client platform.
I presented a simple example of an online coffee service, including the WSDL which defined the data types, operations, and service bindings needed by the client.
Web-based e-mail, social networking and online games are all examples of what are increasingly called cloud services, and are accessible through browsers, smart-phones or other “client” devices.
基于网页的电子邮件,社交网站,在线游戏都是云计算的产物,而 且,这些服务都可以通过浏览器,智能手机或者其他“终端”设备获得。
Online - the client derives the form URL from the configuration and launches the client-specific browser integration.
The compressed form templates are downloaded in the background while the client is online.