Realization commodity information and circulation of commodities information online inquiry.
The system is offering the functions of data acquisition, real-time control, online inquiry, communication and printout. The operation of the system is simple.
This kind of online display method is direct, convenient and easy to be operated with regard to data inquiry and trend analysis. Therefore, the vernier is a reasonable, applicable and original design.
The system's extension module can provide customers convenient and efficient cargo online following and inquiry service.
The system including the onstage and the backstage two parts, the onstage may use in contents and so on user browsing, inquiry, on-line shopping, and may on-line online registration;
This article makes an analysis of the characteristics of libraries under the environment of networks, and probes into the problems of online reference inquiry service.
This article makes an analysis of the characteristics of libraries under the environment of networks, and probes into the problems of online reference inquiry service.