Many ofus now live a life of cloud computing on the Internet: we read the news, watchmovies, chat with friends, and do our daily tasks online with web-basedapplications right the browser.
On its web site, Activa Live calls itself the "leading provider of enterprise level live chat software that is fully available online - from the cloud."
在ActivaLive的网站上,Activa Live自称是“企业级的基于云计算在线聊天软件的顶尖供应商”。
They live alone, chat with their pets and seek love online…
The chain's website offers an easy-to-use live chat online with a customer service representative, as well as help via phone and e-mail.
However, some people certainly find this type of place appealing, as online "live streaming chat rooms" are becoming all the rage on the Internet in China.
The chain's website offers an easy-to-use live chat online with a customer service representative, as well as help via phone and email.
The best online brokers have multiple options for customer service, including live chat, email, phone, branches and 24-hour support.
The best online brokers have multiple options for customer service, including live chat, email, phone, branches and 24-hour support.