In my spare time, I enjoy reading, music as well as online surfing.
The thing about online surfing is that you never know when unhealthy websites will pop up.
Prepare necessary equipments by oneself for surfing online surfing, comprising personal computer, Modem and other necessary equipments.
The curriculum design requirements similar to the design of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, a browser with the basic functions can be completed online surfing tasks.
They are experienced at surfing online.
Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online.
Perhaps you end up surfing webcomics while you’re waiting for a big file to download, or maybe you’re browsing online in between phone calls, or during a lull in an instant messaging conversation.
Through the power of online video, LRO's small staff of three people and numerous volunteers around the world have built a brand famous within the surfing community and beyond.
When not surfing conservative blogs, Mr. Breivik was fighting virtual demons, ogres and other fantastical creatures in online role-playing games.
For more than a decade now, I've been spending a lot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great databases of the Internet.
And Google Inc., the leading online advertiser, stated that it had begun using Internet tracking technology that enabled it to more precisely follow Web-surfing behavior across affiliated sites.
In order to hunt for the most up-to-date, hot topics online, Zhao has to spend almost all of his spare time surfing the Internet.
I have many hobbies, such as swimming, watching TV, listening to music, painting pictures, surfing the Internet, chatting online, playing computer games and so on.
How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time surfing online?
With the rapid development of information technology and the popularization of the computer, "surfing" online is getting more and more fashionable.
It has overtaken online shopping, banking and downloading music as one of the most popular online activities. Only surfing the net and emailing is more popular.
During the summer vacation, instead of going anywhere else, I stayed at home, eating, watching TV, surfing online and sleeping. What about you?
For you this means: worry-free online shopping, guaranteed safe surfing and of course maximum network security.
We are known from the investigation that few students never online, most of them have ever surfing net, but Internet addiction is few, too.
We should change teenagers' habit of surfing online and guide them to access to the Internet healthily.
Once you go surfing online you can choose from over 20 000 items.
一旦上网,你便可以从20 000种物品中进行挑选。
More than 90 percent of netizens have encountered a phishing Web site, while 77.5 percent responded that they have received a computer virus while surfing or downloading material online.
Playing computer games, surfing meaningless webs online, playing boring mobile games even in the class have been a part of my life.
However, I think, we can go surfing online, where we can find a lot of information in English to read.
3g phones enable faster data transmission and services such as watching TV, playing online games, wide-area wireless calls and web surfing.
In order to hunt for the most up-to-ddined- hot topics online- Zhao hin order to the spend the ma strongy of his spare time surfing the Internet.
In order to hunt for the most up-to-date, hot topics online, Zhao has to spend almost all of his spare time surfing the Internet.
In order to hunt for the most up-to-date, hot topics online, Zhao has to spend almost all of his spare time surfing the Internet.