Listing 1. The body onload handler.
Listing 1. Code for onLoad function.
The body onload method should be as shown in Listing 1.
body 内的 onload方法应该如清单 1 所示。
Thus, in Listing 4, the HTML element has an onload attribute.
因此,在清单4 中,HTML元素有一个onload属性。
onLoad — This function is where you place initialization code.
onLoad — 在此函数中放置初始化代码。
onLoad gets called when the class is loaded from the database.
For example, the tag has the onload and onunload attributes.
Think of it as a user-specified onLoad attribute invocation.
可把它视为特定于用户的 onload属性调用。
This is shown in Listing 13, along with my page's onload function.
清单13展示了这一过程,以及页面的onload 函数。
In this case, this mechanism results in invoking the method onLoad.
Finally, onLoad gets called when the class gets loaded from the database.
The onload event is fired when the loading of a page is completed in the Web browser.
You can run this by putting it into the onLoad handler of your page's body element, like this
The only downside is you'll need to run this method on your page's onLoad event, on the body tag.
惟一的缺点是您需要在页面的body 的onLoad事件上运行此方法。
Unconditional preload - as soon as onload fires, you go ahead and fetch some extra components.
preload Unconditional-尽快onload激发您前进,并提取一些额外的组件。
When the page is first loaded (onLoad event), the request handler is registered with the Ajax engine.
The client's onload event handler is invoked when the CM provider sets the IFrame SRC to the return URL.
当CM提供者设置IF ramesrc以返回url时,客户的onload事件处理器得到激活。
The onload attribute of the tag tells the browser to call the plot function when the page is loaded.
Next, an event similar to onload on the browser side is established, except this one is on the server side.
This tag is loaded early in the loading process, but it won't be executed until the body onload function is called.
You can use the onload event handler to test that specific fields (on which the update panel depends) are populated.
You activate the code by adding an onload method to the tag, which starts the code right after the page finishes loading.
By using the onload event, your DOM related behavior is only applied after a whole page, including all of its assets, is loaded.
The result is that the methods onLoad and onview are invoked automatically by the framework when the widget is placed onto the page.
In addition to timestamping your domain class, you can tap into four event hooks: beforeInsert, befortUpdate, beforeDelete, and onLoad.
除了给域类添加时间戳,还可以引入4 个事件挂钩:beforeInsert、befortUpdate、beforeDelete和onload。
In the Listing 5, the DOM is used to lodge an onload event handler which fires the initialize function once the XUL page is fully received.
Also note the onload attribute: This is called when the SVG document is first loaded and is useful for performing initialisation on your SVG.
The first block contains the event handler to initialize the application (onload) and the initialization of the database, as shown in Listing 3.
The first block contains the event handler to initialize the application (onload) and the initialization of the database, as shown in Listing 3.