Only in doing so, can the basic standards for the awards in social science achievements be more and more scientific, ca…
Only in doing so, can the perfect combination of sports spirit with physical health education be accomplished for the physical education in modern schools.
Only in doing so, can the basic standards for the awards in social science achievements be more and more scientific, can awards in social science achievements be more and more reasonable.
In other words, not only should the state not dictate what people ought to think, it is also fundamentally incapable of doing so.
French railways stand out in Europe not only because they manage to turn a profit, but because they remain solidly in the public sector while doing so.
I think the need to be seen doing something might even result in action in Washington to move the country away, even if only so slightly, from its dependence on oil.
Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one doing so in California.
There are clear strategic reasons for doing so-reasons that are only growing in importance.
I've come to accept that it's simply part of current professional practice to be ready to tunnel out and that I need to ensure that I'm doing so only in a responsible way.
By doing so, he's saying that he not only wants to be the best player in history but also wants to have the best TEAM in history.
Take some time during the holidays to volunteer your time to a good cause, and in doing so not only give of yourself, but open yourself up to these fellow human beings.
"The hapless ones bought stocks only when they felt comfort in doing so and then proceeded to sell when the headlines made them queasy," Buffett added.
Only by so doing will various civilizations in the world blossom with radiant splendor.
The Fed's risk transfer to the taxpayer is only worsened by its lack of transparency in doing so.
In another experiment, the scientists found bonobos only Shared when doing so led to a social interaction.
Yet in doing so, Airbus finds itself competing not only with Boeing but also with some of its own models that have fallen
Let's say that the complex_calculation method takes so long that you only want to run it when doing acceptance tests, not during unit test runs. One way to limit it appears in Listing 12.
In fact, the mapping file so far is only doing what Castor does by default.
In doing so, it would only need to use the Android device's web browser for purposes of authorization, but the rest of the application may be completely native.
Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the Mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye.
In so doing, they could not only hunt some of the buffalo and wapiti for fur and food source, but also eat of the roots, nuts, berries and grasses that they likewise consumed.
So not only will you be feeling great, losing weight, and not thinking about food, but you'll also be doing it in a very healthy fashion!
When you're doing that much TV, you can be in only so many meetings.
By doing so, he broke a rule that Micronesian knowledge should remain in those islands only.
But only in the last decade have researchers begun to measure happiness across the life span and, in doing so, try to understand why older people tend to be so content.
Only by so doing, can Shanxi become a major province in tourism.
"So, we have a state mandate on doing PE, with a teaching credential that says you can teach it, even if you've only had one course in how to teach it," Morris says.
"So, we have a state mandate on doing PE, with a teaching credential that says you can teach it, even if you've only had one course in how to teach it," Morris says.