In this case, the man was on his left side with his head facing west and surrounded by domestic jugs - rituals only previously seen in female graves.
This diagram models only the logic of a single alternate course, as you can tell by the numbering of the steps on the left side of the diagram.
Mr Bush told the author Bob Woodward that he would not withdraw from Iraq even if his wife and dog were the only people left on his side.
This one on the left-hand side lives only on the curve, while the right-hand side lives everywhere in this region inside.
It's only two minutes walk from the entrance on the left side.
So, in both cases, we need the vector field to be defined not only, I mean, the left hand side makes sense if a vector field is just defined on the curve because it's just a line integral on c.
Now simply reset the device by holding in the record button (on the left side) and you should see a list of images on the card (usually only one).
The latter is used only if all four machines on the left side are down.
这个镜像仅在左侧的所有4 台机器都宕机之后才使用。
Sleeping on the back or right side, rather than the left, doubled the risk - but only to almost four in 1, 000.
For each operation on the left-side (that you are exposing), define an implementation (the only exception is if you don't want to implement the entire interface now).
The only other clue comes from the fact that the heart is on the left side of the mother's body.
"Computer-induced lesions are typically found on only one leg because the optical drives of laptops are located on the left side, " the authors write.
The average rhythm of heart beats showed obvious difference(P<0.05), but there was no difference in the cases with pleural fluid on the left side only (P>0.05).
The best rooms were all on the left-hand side (going in), for these were the only ones to have Windows, deep-set round Windows looking over his garden and meadows beyond, sloping down to the river.
Mrs. Werner was 6 years old and spoke only Russian in 1906 when she, her four siblings and her mother left their hometown of Vladimir to join their father on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
1906年沃纳太太6岁时,和她的四位兄弟姐妹与母亲一起离开家乡弗拉基米尔到 曼哈顿下 东区与他们 的父亲团聚,那时她只会说俄语。
Lin's character dies in a shower of blood only to appear a short while later fighting on the side of the Chinese hero, her miraculous resurrection left unexplained.
Lin's character dies in a shower of blood only to appear a short while later fighting on the side of the Chinese hero, her miraculous resurrection left unexplained.