The frequencies of onset of adverse reactions were generally highest in the first 6 months of treatment and then the frequencies decreased over time or remained stable throughout treatment.
CONCLUSION the level of IL-18 increases obviously on the 1st day of ACI onset and gradually decreases with the extended course of disease and time of treatment.
Compare onset time of drug, number of recurrence, and complications after treatment.
The study will measure reduction in time to onset of persistent sleep and sleep maintenance across a range of doses and formulations during two weeks of treatment.
There were significant difference in onset time, persisting time and intensity of reactive pain after first blocking treatment between two groups(P<0 01).
两组反应性疼痛出现的时间、程度及持续时间间的差别均有显著性意义(P <0 0 1)。
There were significant difference in onset time, persisting time and intensity of reactive pain after first blocking treatment between two groups(P<0 01).
两组反应性疼痛出现的时间、程度及持续时间间的差别均有显著性意义(P <0 0 1)。