Thin densely street, only 32 of the pedestrian under raincoats coming and going, open balcony door, ushered in the fresh air fresh.
It is worth mentioning that facades that are more open for the sun feature larger balcony extensions than those which are less impacted by the sun.
Light came in through the panes of the door leading out onto the balcony — not much light; the kitchen was only bright when the door was open.
One night I woke up to find my sash window open and the tall figure standing on the balcony, looking out across the town.
It has already been noticed, that directly over the platform on which Hester Prynne stood was a kind of balcony, or open gallery, appended to the meeting-house.
The bedrooms and living space open onto terraces on one side of the plot, with the base of the upper balcony projecting away from the facade to partially shade the wooden deck below.
This storey contains another bedroom, a box room and a landing lined on one side with sliding doors that open onto a balcony.
This kind of door basically use in the balcony, store between content does not often open places.
Banks maintain separate entrances for men and women, Starbucks restricts women from its open-air balcony and McDonald's makes men and women queue separately for its burgers.
On the other side, the master bedroom, complete with an open dressing room and en-suite, has access to the balcony above the front porch.
It will be installed in the window, balcony, so at home when the owner can open the alarm.
The master bedroom overlooks the open-plan living space below, while the second room is positioned next to the balcony.
Open landscape type swimming pool with fresh and elegant style and garden like balcony, large green lakeside lawn and East Lake with ripples make up a happy grand spectacle.
The 1st floor comprises the lobby, work space and the 2nd level has meeting area, lounge and library also a northern wing comprising of a bedroom with balcony, and an open to sky bathroom.
The 1,400-square-foot units (130 square metres) encompass a bedroom, an open living and dining area, and a balcony with bright red-orange walls - a colour intended to "animate" the black box.
Through the glass doors that open on to our little tree-top balcony we can admire the same movement in the structure of the tree, albeit expressed in an infinitely more complex manner.
Open viewed coffee shop, broad balcony, beautiful river view, floating yacht, all looks more romantic in the light of sunset.
The bridge is a balcony open to the city landscape as well.
With the agreement of property management company, the home owner can plant beautiful flowers in the outdoors balcony as you like. Or you can open Healthcare center or a tutorial class.
Because of the extreme views of the Huangpu River, and the perfect combination of the balcony and the interior, we designed a semi open type balcony.
His waking hours, in addition to activities to get up a little bit to the outside on the balcony, like the eyes open in bed.
You can open and close the balcony door like this. It just slides back and forth.
The company's 164 trams, including two open-balcony trams for tourists and private hire and one special maintenance tram, make up the world's only fully double-decker tram fleet.
The company's 164 trams, including two open-balcony trams for tourists and private hire and one special maintenance tram, make up the world's only fully double-decker tram fleet.