Press the Shift key and right-click, and then select Open Command Window Here.
按住Shift键不放,右键单击,然后点Open Command WindowHere(在此处打开命令窗口)。
Open the command line processor window and start DB2.
To verify the installation, open a command window and issue the commands shown below.
To create the test database, open a DB2 command window and populate the database.
要创建测试数据库,则需要打开DB 2命令窗口并填充数据库。
Open a DB2 command window and establish the database connection.
打开DB 2命令窗口并建立数据库连接。
打开一个DB 2命令窗口。
打开DB 2命令窗口。
Open your Command Prompt window and navigate to the project folder as you did previously.
Open a command window and test you are using the correct version of perl by entering perl -version.
打开一个命令窗口,输入perl -version,测试您是否正在使用适当的perl版本。
Open a db2 command window on the system where the application server is installed.
在安装应用服务器的系统上,打开一个db 2命令窗口。
Open a command window and change to the tcpmon directory.
To run the application client to send a message to the bus, open a command prompt window, and change to the \ bin directory for the application server profile that you are using.
After the database has started, open a db2 command window on the system where the database is installed.
数据库启动之后,在安装数据库的系统上会打开一个db 2命令窗口。
Click Open in the command window to launch it.
Open a second command window and type jconsole.
To generate this project documentation just, open a command window and navigate to the AddressBookDeployment directory of the workbench.
To invoke the db2load.sql script, open a db2 command line processor (CLP) window and run the following command.
要调用db2load .sql脚本,请打开一个db 2命令行处理器(CLP)窗口并运行以下命令。
To test your xev setup, open an xterm window and type the command xwininfo.
You will need open a command window and change the directory to your profile's bin directory; in our case: c: \ IBM \ WID-6.0.1 \ pf \ WPS \ bin.
您需要打开命令窗口,并将目录更改为概要的bin目录;在我们的示例中为:C: \IBM \ WID -6.0.1 \pf \wps \ bin。
Next, open a new command window and change the directory to c: \ MQJMS \ batch and run the classpath.cmd variable to initialize the classpath variable.
接着,打开一个新的命令窗口并转到c: \mqjms \batch目录,运行classpath . cmd变量来初始化classpath变量。
Open the DB2 Command Editor window and enter the following command to create a database
If you keep your shell window open for extended periods, you can quickly repeat a previous command with! NNN, where NNN is the number shown in the prompt for the command.
After you've successfully installed the CLI and App Builder, open a command window.
Open a command window and navigate to the directory where WebSphere MQ is installed.
Open the db2 command window and move it to the bottom center of your desktop. Then issue this command: db2stop force.
打开DB 2命令窗口,并将之移至桌面中间的底部。
Once downloaded, open a Finder window and use the keyboard shortcut ‘command+shift+G’, type ‘/Users/yourusername/Music/iTunes/’ as location and click ‘Go’.
Open a command window (e.g. Windows command prompt, or UNIX shell).
If you set the class path temporarily, each time you open a new command window you need to set it again.