This should create the file in the location you defined, and open it in the BPWS4J editor.
If you save this page to the PHP server and open it in a browser, you are prompted for the URL location of your WSDL file.
With the URL location, you can open a stream to read the properties file.
Select File > Open Project and specify the location of the Trading.xml application provided in the Downloads section.
选择File >OpenProject并指定下载部分提供的Trading.xml应用程序的位置。
Open the class EGLWizardUtilitiesTest and modify the following statement to point to the location of the EGLResources.xml file that was unzipped to the same directory as the sample code in step 1.
打开类eglwizardutilitiestest并修改下面的说明来指向EGLResources . xml文件的位置,这一文件与步骤1中的样本代码被打开在相同的目录中。
To set the marker for the XML column, open a FileInputStream, passing in the location of our XML file.
For each eclipse installation that will use this location, go to the installation directory and open the eclipse.ini file (for example, open c: \ eclipse \ eclipse.ini).
对于每个将要使用这个文件夹的eclipse安装,转到安装目录并打开eclipse .ini文件(例如,c: \ eclipse \ eclipse . ini)。
First, select 'data file Management' from the file menu. A window will open showing the name of your data file, which includes its location on your hard disk.
Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.
Text editor requirements: (1) edit the text (2) save, open the text file specified location (3) having an input and output interface.
Double-click any error message entry to open the file where the problem occurs, and move to the error location.
Double-click any error message entry to open the file where the problem occurs, and move to the error location.