This data initializes the transaction table, dirty pages table, and open file table so they can be used in the recovery process.
The logical file system is also responsible for managing the kernel's open file table and the per process file descriptor information.
To create your own article or tutorial, open the appropriate file listed in Table 1.
Re-open the file GSDB. changexml, and then add a new column called PROMO_CODE of type INTEGER to the table GOSALESCT.CUST_ORD.
重新打开 GSDB.changexml文件,然后向 GOSALESCT.CUST_ORD表添加一个类型为INTEGER的新列 PROMO_CODE。
Re-open the file GSDB. changexml, and then add a new column called PROMO_CODE of type INTEGER to the table GOSALESCT.CUST_ORD.
重新打开 GSDB.changexml文件,然后向 GOSALESCT.CUST_ORD表添加一个类型为INTEGER的新列 PROMO_CODE。