The greens plan an open primary.
One of the primary benefits of RTMP is the connection with the client stays open so it can be used to push data from the server.
A primary issue with open source projects and their respective tools, libraries, and more is the availability of these tools on AIX. Luckily, there are repositories throughout the world.
Once we've opened this door, there is no reason not to open it to the visitor community and the web-fabric community as well. There are three primary points.
While there are certainly commercial editors, some of which are quite nice, the majority of the developers I know use at least one open source editor as their primary tool.
The boats may possess cruise-ship comforts - bars, a restaurant and open-air Jacuzzi - but their primary purpose is to keep viable Norway's Arctic north.
When I had lost it during the primary, I saw a specialist in New York and got a voice coach, who taught me a set of exercises to open my throat and push the sound up through my sinus cavities.
They will be allowed to go to the head of the line at the nearest open passport control primary inspection station.
This often means there's a free, open source (sometimes even with an OSI-approved license) version of a product available, but paid versions with proprietary features are a vendor's primary product.
The 24 schools will open at different times during September - 17 are primary schools, five secondary and two are all-age schools.
Apache Mahout is a new open source project by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) with the primary goal of creating scalable machine-learning algorithms that are free to use under the Apache license.
ApacheMahout是Apache SoftwareFoundation (asf)开发的一个全新的开源项目,其主要目标是创建一些可伸缩的机器学习算法,供开发人员在Apache在许可下免费使用。
Although relatively young in open source terms, Mahout already has a large amount of functionality, especially in relation to clustering and CF. Mahout's primary features are.
It’s arguable that the primary benefit to the Cloudera approach is that it’s open source, which means customers willing to wait for HDFS improvements won’t have to pay for them.
The primary RIA development tool for desktop and web applications is the open source Flex SDK.
Often we are successful convincing an enterprise or vendor that contracts with PushToTest for primary research to let us publish the research under an open source license.
The most common is primary open-angle glaucoma, in which the eye’s drainage canals are partly clogged.
最常见的是开角型青光眼(open-angle glaucoma)。 患这种病的眼部排水渠道被部分堵塞。
The metal diaphragms act as the seal at the top of the valve. The primary improvement in this generation of valves is the elimination of the spring used to open the valve.
When teachers and doctors do not show up at government primary schools and health centers, Indians just open up cheap private schools and clinics in the slums and get on with it.
A wizard will open and, after clicking the Finish button, will show you the primary key in the table with a key icon next to the column.
Salary is not my primary consideration but I do have to pay the bills, so I am open to any reasonable offer.
Electronic control unit. Contains a switching transistor controlled by a speed sensor and is used to open and close the primary circuit.
Objective To evaluate the long term curative effectiveness and the failure cause of the nonpenetrating trabecular surgery (NPTS) for primary open Angle glaucoma (POAG).
Thee primary way to prevent a home invasion is simply to never, ever open your door unless you are certain you know who's on the other side.
Here, in their primary unity, motion and station are both closed and open; concealed and revealed.
In summary, the open is a primary market indicator.
When a physical standby database is open, redo data from the primary database is received by the standby database, but the log files are not applied.
Objective: To investigate the cause of misdiagnosis of high myopia (HM) combined with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).
Objective: To investigate the cause of misdiagnosis of high myopia (HM) combined with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).