This list is only for Open Source Content Management Systems.
Mambo open source is one of the finest open source content management systems available today.
MamboOpen Source是当今最出色的开放源码内容管理系统之一。
Nor was this some Windows server exploit; the hacker seemed to have found holes in the open source content management systems (CMS) of each of the blogs, exploiting them to alter the sites at will.
一些Windows服务器也有类似的问题:黑客在各种博客网站的开源内容管理系统(content maneger system,CMS)中寻找到漏洞,利用这些漏洞可以随心所欲地修改这些网站。
This takes a huge amount of effort and is pointless now that so many free open-source content management systems are available.
Blogs are also available in Content Management Systems like Joomla (an open source CMS).
Blogs are also available in Content Management Systems like Joomla (an open source CMS).