In recent years, ellipse curve as mathematics foundation is applied in opening code system, which causes more attention in the field of communication security.
These are useful tools for identifying and investigating areas of code with low coverage, because they highlight the selected area of code by opening it in the appropriate viewer or editor.
The Mona Lisa features in the opening of Dan Brown's hit novel the da Vinci Code when a Louvre curator is found dead near the painting.
If opening the query is successful, it will return the value ERROR_SUCCESS; otherwise an error code will be returned.
To make this code executable, I must add the gram and lb methods to numbers by opening the Numeric class, as shown in Listing 2
要使此代码可执行,我必须通过打开Numeric类以便将 gram和lb方法添加到数字中,如清单2 所示
If you do, check the port number by expanding Web Service Ports in your module and opening the code in the WSDL editor.
Intellij's improved performance facilitated some feature enhancements like "instant" code completion and faster opening of projects.
Other options are opening for manufacturers and carriers that don't want to play Google's game but still want access to the Android code.
Data can be stored in the session with no direct way for a malicious user to alter it. (Bugs in your code may still give an attacker an opening, of course.)
As before, the code begins by connecting to the queue manager and opening the queue handle, but this time for retrieving messages using the default queue definition.
When code coverage analysis is used at such a juncture, the results are frequently eye opening.
Looking under the covers at the interface, which you can do in Integration Developer by opening the interface with the WSDL editor, you will notice some code that may seem surprising.
In the deep level is to simplify the code, pictures to be compressed, learn to improve the speed of opening the site.
In this paper, The Grey code of absolute rotary encoder converting to Binary code by PLC is introduced, which realize measuring gate opening.
Scan two-dimensional code nail registered enterprise users, and the opening of an Hengmi shield, according to the guide enterprises to apply for certification.
In code, making use of stored procedure and minimizing the database opening time to improve performance of the system.
This is the opening weekend for the movie version of "the Da Vinci Code."
Notice that the example code contains a page header and a left gutter. It also specifies the content area by opening the tag but not closing it.
A mountain type design code is repeated from facade and an opening to interior design.
A mountain type design code is repeated from facade and an opening to interior design.