Performance results and the overhead in other operating environments with actual input data may be different than these test results.
The performance data reported in this document are specific to the product software, test configuration, workload, and operating environment that were used.
Note that the performance data described above is for a specific operating environment and for a given set of test data.
Thus a test that involved pulling strings or operating levers would tend to favor a cat, while a test involving moving from place to place, where speed is a measure of performance, would favor a dog.
The Real-Time Inverted Pendulum is used as a benchmark, to test the validity and the performance of the software underlying the state-space controller algorithm, i. e. the used operating system.
By conducting large sample test on the evaluation parameters, the influencing relationship between each parameter and operating performance of the multifunction switch is defined.
Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare test performance.
The core performance of 80 and 60 fuel assemblies of high flux engineering test reactor (HFETR) have been compared by theoretical analysis and operating results.
In this paper, an explorative discussion is made of the key operating methods used for resin performance test.
This paper introduce gas Mass Flow Controller principle of operating application for core permeability detection and some factors that influence its test performance.
These low operating cost systems can leak test, performance test, or run test your systems and your products.
Based on the test of these two boilers, the paper summarizes their operating performance and defects.
The test program uses the framework of written multi-core components, shows that feature a variety of operating data, and program performance.
The test results indicate that the operating performance of the five-phase hybrid stepping motor when it operates as a two-phase low speed synchronous motor is good.
According to the actual application of operating experiment in the thrust bearing test board, the designed oil film thickness VXI measuring system shows better performance.
According to the actual application of operating experiment in the thrust bearing test board, the designed oil film thickness VXI measuring system shows better performance.